Past Project

Player Experiences on Game Design

My project focuses on how game design in online games can influence player experiences. I have identified how game design can provide players with a casual mood in competitive games and how game design can lead to toxicity. 

Published Work:

Zinan Zhang, Sam Moradzadeh, Andrew Woan, and Yubo Kou. 2024. Toxicity by Game Design: How Players Perceive the Influence of Game Design on Toxicity. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CHI PLAY, Article 345 (October 2024), 31 pages.

Zinan Zhang and Yubo Kou. 2024. Casual Competition by Design: A Study of the All Random All Mid (ARAM) Mode in League of Legends. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2024) (to appear)